Sunday, November 2, 2014


I'm posting three posts today because I am so far behind.
We had to be in the lobby at 8:30 to drive to his medical appointment.  Each adopted child must go through a short medical exam and TB test before they can be clear to travel to the US.  We saw and met several other adoptive families there. It was nice to talk with them. We had been told and warned that the medical appt. was difficult and the place would be a nightmare, but it wasn’t.  It was clean and the doctors were nice. He was really cute during the eye exam.  Their eye chart is a bunch of pictures of a hand.  The hands are rotated in all directions and the child has to mimic with their hand what they see.  He was doing great, they kept going lower on the chart and he kept turning his hand left, right, upside down, until finally they came to the last line and he put up two fingers close together to indicate that the “hand” was too small.  

He is so funny.  He loves to smile and laugh.  Everything is funny to him.  Yesterday when the guide was with us and Jeremy and McLaren were playing, she started laughing.  When we asked her what McLaren said and she said that he called Jeremy a monster.  Jeremy responded by telling him he was a monkey.  McLaren responded back that he was the monkey king.  I wish we could understand everything he says to us.  He is learning that we communicate with him through our phone.  itranslate is a great app (google is not allowed in China).  Most of the time, it works, but one day, we found some toys in a grocery store and he was just talking up a storm at this one toy, so Jeremy got out his phone really quick and tried to record what he was saying.  In a few seconds, Siri said “Son of a bitch, I want to play with this toy”.  I didn’t know if we were going to get control of our laughter.  When we got back to Eric, we asked him about it and he started laughing, he said that there is no way that he said that.  It is not acceptable to speak that way in China especially for a 5 year old orphan child. We knew it was probably not what he said, but we still had a good laugh.  

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! I have loved keeping track of your travel. What a miracle and what tender mercies the Lord has placed in your families lives. Have a safe trip home. I look forward to meeting him!
